Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Ep 25: Guerilla Financing Your Start Up with Margins Winery’s Megan Bell
Host Carol Collison reached out to Megan Bell - owner of the winery Margins - after reading a profile in the San Francisco Chronicle describing her difficult year to tell the story of the sales challenges the industry has faced in the past 12 months. Carol and Megan talk about how she has bootstrapped the financing of the business she founded, from friends and family, crowd funding, working two jobs, stretching vendor payables, and traditional bank loans. A “millennial” who started her winery at the age of 25, the conversation turns to the questions of what millennials want from the wine industry, and other interesting ideas for starting a wine business, including her recommendation for obtaining free advice from Small Business Development Centers.
Mentioned in this episode:
Questions? Comments? smallfortunepodcast@gmail.com
Sponsor: Global Wine Partners https://www.globalwinebank.com/
Music: Nate Collison
Logo Photography: John Corcoran